Thursday, September 26, 2013

Whelp, I'm going on a mission!

So.  I'm going on a mission.  I've got about 6 more days before I'm on a plane back to Utah to have a stay in the Provo MTC for about two months and then go off to Taiwan.  I'm sure it will be a much harder experience than I am imagining, but hopefully nothing I can't handle with the Lord's help.  The journey has been quite a long one, from opening my papers in January to actually finishing them in April and then getting my call, but by far the hardest part has been redoing my wardrobe... apparently sister missionaries are supposed to look classy and cute.  Well, my wardrobe mainly consisted of black, grey, dark grey and light gray...  Let's just say it now consists of many other colors and styles of clothing I probably would never have bought if it weren't for this mission.  It was rough buying things that my mom said I looked cute in, but I was skeptical about because it was green or fluffy looking.  But, not to worry, clothes have all been bought and I'm done.  Now it's time for the next challenge.  Packing, the thing that I hate doing the most other than unpacking, which I hear you do a lot of both of them while on the mish, sooooo, wish me luck!