Sunday, March 15, 2015

Well now, Week 1 of the move-call is back.

Its the start of another move-call and big changes are coming!  Elder Wadley goes to the mission office today in preparation to go home.  His companion Elder McDougal will be leaving Lingya.  This means that Lingya will be back down to one companionship of Elders.  Elder Dayley will be leaving to an unknown place with a new missionary on Friday.  Super big changes in the district!  But, we are all still doing the same stuff.  Working hard and relying on the Lord.

Now what else is there to say...  Last week we have our Indiana Jones themed English Party, mainly because it was one of Elder Wadleys dreams to have a Harrison Ford related party on him mission hahaha.  It was a little crazy, but fun and I'd say a pretty large success.  Lots of families I hadn't seen before came.  The only downfall was that it was so busy, we didn't have much time to actually talk with any of them...  Hope they come back this Wednesday!

Our ward is getting split, so our area is also going to become a bit smaller and we will be having many of our beloved shizhong members become pioneers for the new ward.  They will be sorely missed, but it is also great to see that there are enough members to make a new ward.  Yay!

Okay, well I think that's really all for now.

Sorry no pictures this time, Sister Olsen and I haven't had many opportunities to take many.  Next time!

Sister Hsu

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Power Week!

At lunch with some of my favorite girls
Complete.  Basically we had a week of finding challenges.  We didn't fully accomplish them but we did our best!  Love my companion Sister Olsen.  She really is a star missionary, so full of fire, faith, hope and diligence.  (A super good influence on me)  I'm glad to be on the good island of Taiwan with such an amazing companion, doing the work of the Lord.
We went to a beautiful secret beach 2 weeks ago
Update on my leg, it ending up blistering even more so I went to the hospital and officially told me it was a 2nd degree burn and gave me a cream.  The blister exploded a few days ago, and I now have a little portion of pick leg flesh exposed, but I think it is actually begging to heal.  Slowly but surely.  (I'll spare you the photos, they were gross)
Elder Teerlink's last Sunday in ShiZhong
We are hyping ourselves up for this coming week to be full of miracles!  Yeah!

Love ya'll

Sister Hsu


Started as a District photo and then some other Elders jumped in
I technically real move-call is in two weeks, but because our missions Visa waiters suddenly got their Visas so they flew in last Wednesday!  Yay!  So my new companion is Sister Olsen.  She served in Tempe, Arizona for four months and has now finally come to the good island of Taiwan.  She is super awesome.  already an incredible missionary.  She worked hard to keep up with her Chinese while she was in the states and you can tell.  I'm loving the opportunity to learn from her and help her adjust to the ways of Taiwan, but she is super willing and able, so it's not hard at all!

Well, that's really the biggest news for the week...

Oh and I got a second degree burn from a motor scooters exhaust pipe.  It didn't have one of those plastic covers that usually protect people from running into them.  It hurt really bad right after, but after a day it just got really dark and didn't hurt anymore...  Hopefully it doesn't scar...
The nasty burn on my leg. (The circle part is about 5cm in diameter)
Sister Hsu

Elder Teerlink and Elder Robinson are move.  They will be sorely missed.
Group selfie!