Monday, June 9, 2014

I can't think of a fun title...

But!  This week has been amazing!  Sister Funk and I have made a lot of good goals related to the work as well as our health.  In terms of health, we now make at a green smoothie a day and take it out with us!  Sometimes they are super yummy and sometimes they aren't all that wonderful, we have also decided to prepare our own lunch and snacks so that we can have a little more control over the things we eat.  Wish us luck!  

As far as the missionary work we have made goals with the hopes of becoming more open and receptive to the promptings of the spirit that we may be guided in our actions and decisions.  Better obedience, planning and even more prayers!  We are also working on our own Personal Purification Projects so that we can also have even more personal growth.  Faith, faith and more faith!
But I also tell myself that "faith without action is dead" I've also got just go out everyday and do what needs to be done no matter how nervous I may be or how scared I am of street contacting hahaha.

But even with all the things I need to work on, the Lord still gives us miracles and success.  One of our amazing investigators is so willing to learn and accept our invitations.  It is a blessing every time we are able to meet with her.  She has the desire to do even more but when thinking about baptism she freezes up.  When she was younger she had a traumatizing experience with water where she almost drowned and now the thought of having her face going into the water makes her shake a little bit.  She knows that baptism is an important step and also knows that Heavenly Father is able to do anything including help her overcome her fear, but she is still in the process of developing her faith.  I tell her and bear witness that if she continues to exercise her faith, the Lord can help her.  It is also a reminder to myself.  When the missionary work gets hard or scary I just need to use my faith and the Lord will always provide a way for us to overcome all of our barriers.

Keep the Faith and Use It!
Sister Hsu

P.S.  We went to Shalu on Saturday to see one of Sister Funks previous investigators get baptized.  It was awesome.  I love Shalu.  :)

The focus of the photo is the camera... It is Elder Mayo's and it is a waterproof, shockproof Nikon coolpix. It was amazing. :)

Liya is geting baptized!

Sunday, June 8, 2014


It's been a great first week of the move call!  We we able to meet with some investigators that I had not seen in over a month, truly such a blessing.  I also absolutely love my new companion Sister Funk.  She is full of love and patience which is exactly what I needed in a companion to get back on tract and really focus on the people here.  I really am so excited to see what kind of new things will happen in this move-call and to see the Lord's hand in the work.  I'm not really sure what else to say.  I feel like I've got a renewed fire in my soul, and I really want to just go out onto the streets of Taiwan and spread this message of truth and love!  

Okay, well that's all I think...

Here are some pictures, oh and I don't remember if I mentioned it before but we live in a four man and love every minute.  :)
Picture 1: My companion Sister Funk!!
Picture 2: Our four-man.  Sister Chen, Sister Packard and Sister Funk!