Friday, May 30, 2014

It's gonna be a Funk-y Move-call!‏

Sister Mangelson, my new companion Sister Funk and me!
It's a new start!  My new companion is Sister Funk!  She is from Las Vegas, and goes to BYU (Provo).  She is super nice and full of love!  I've very excited to have a new start and really work with her in helping Beitun District grow.
Wei JM!
This past week was pretty cool.  It was not only my birthday, but it was also the weekend of Wei JM's baptism!  She said she was surprised by how quick it was.  She said it was over before she really even felt like she was doing anything.  But, one huge surprise for her was that the water was cold!  We were also so surprised to hear that and see her shivering a bit as she came out of the font.  She said it was like she got caught off guard by the cold water and was still thinking about why it was so cold when suddenly it was over.  But that night when we went to meet with her she said that we felt happy about her decision and was excited to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost next Sunday.  Love her! 
Just a few of the Birthday Blessings
Now a shout out to all of you who wished me a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!  Thank you all so much!  It really made my day to see and to feel so much love.  :)

Sister Hsu

A scripture that has recently brought peace to my soul.
Matthew 11:
 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and will give you rest.
 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for am meek and lowly in heartand ye shall find rest unto your souls.
 30 For my yoke is easyand my burden is light.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Rainy Days

"It's raining... again."
It's been raining.  A lot.  It has been a pattern of heavy rain for two days, then a day of sunshine, then rain for another day, then half a day of sunshine... well, I think you get the picture.  Hahah.  But I think the greatest blessing is the blessing the Lord has given me to be able to withstand being wet for long periods of time.  If you know me, you'd know that I hate being wet, I don't like that feeling of wet clothes and I especially dislike wet shoes.  But!  I really, don't mind it too much right now.  At some point my brain has just accepted the inevitable.  I've been much happier since this change in my way of thinking.  Other than that, amazing things are happening.
Our beloved investigator, after waiting for two years because of certain circumstances will be getting baptized on May 25th.  She really is amazing and an example of faith and enduring to the end.  

Something happened recently that really testified to me that the Lord hears and answers prayers and that He really is aware of all of us.  I had been praying for this confirmation because although I had many experiences before, I had still been feeling a bit lost and alone.  

Let me start by saying that I don't get mail.  I am not saying this in order to gain pity or anything like that.  Honestly not getting mail doesn't really bother me.  I know hard hard it is to sit down and really take the time to write a letter.  So, I had already grown more than accustomed to picking up the mail and having none of them addressed to me.  But, yesterday I received not only one, but two things in the mail.  One was a letter from fellow Sister missionary, it was a cute short letter that was encouraging and heartfelt.  The second was a package.  It was a package from a good friend of mine that I made on the mission.  He had sent me a small gift for my birthday which was nice, but the best part was the letter.  He also gave words of encouragement but had also touched on things that I had been pondering about in my heart.  I felt overcome with joy and peace as I was reading that letter.  It really felt like the Lord has a hand in all things.  I don't know if he was prompted to write a letter, or if it was just something nice to go along with my birthday gift, but I do know that this was the way that the Lord was telling me that he does know me; that he is aware of the things in my heart and of my situation.  
The Lord's answer to my prayer
We all need to be instruments in the Lords hands.  Let us be kind to our fellow men and love them all as the Lord would.

"Don't bother me, I'm emailing."
The beautiful Wei JM. Love her!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I'm back!  That would be because I went to the temple today!  It was pretty amazing.  First time I got to go to the Taipei Temple which also means it was my first temple trip since getting on island.  It was an amazing experience.  I thought I'd just be doing a normal session, since typically missionaries don't do baptisms, but today they selected a few Sisters and Elders to do some baptisms!  I was actually a bit nervous, I hadn't done baptisms in a while and was worried I'd "mess up" which is impossible of course.  Sister Grigg said she was feeling nervous too, but that it was cool because she thought that it must be the same feeling when investigators are about to get baptized.  I got to think about it for a little while and though it was really surreal stepping into an investigators shoes.  After baptisms we still got a chance to do a session.  In all honesty I was afraid I would fall asleep since we had to wake up around 4:30am and didn't sleep on the bus because I was too engrossed watching the movie they played, "Emma Smith:My Story."  Anyways, on the contrary I was wide awake and pretty alert.  I guess not having gone to the temple in a while does that to a person.  I just really wanted to make sure I heard everything the Lord might be trying to tell me.  All in all, I'm currently super tired physically, but super charged spiritually.  If you live near a temple, go!  Don't let an opportunity and a huge blessing go to waste.  
I love the temple.  

Sister Hsu

Interesting side story, I had done my make-up because I knew we would take pictures.  For reasons unknown to me, I thought to bring my eyeliner along with me.  Lo and behold, I was asked to do baptisms and in the process my make-up ended up a bit of a mess.  Luckily(more than luck I'd say) I brought my eyeliner and was able to salvage my face.  Hahaha.  

Monday, May 12, 2014

What's happening?

It all of a sudden feels like time is flying and the move-call is almost over.  It feels like everyday is about the same only meeting with different people.  Riding my bike, making appointments, teaching investigators and members, talking to strangers on the street.  I recently feel like I've lost my fire.  Don't get me wrong, I love my mission and the people of Taiwan and I love having the opportunity to introduce people to the gospel, but recently I feel like I've become a little too "used to it.'  Wah, I don't really know how to explain it.  In short I've recently been praying for renewed energy and desire.   I didn't think this would happen as a missionary.  You know, "getting used to my life" the "it's all routine" kind of feel.  I don't like it.  I didn't like it before the mission and I especially don't like it while on the mission.  Currently I'm trying to find ways to once again feel that strong Spirit and driving force behind missionary work.  Wish me luck!  Haha.  Other than that things have been pretty good.  I've been able to get to know a few people from the Ward, been able to help our investigators and been able to make some good friends.  Some exciting news for the week is that I'll be able to go to the temple on Wednesday!  I'm so excited to not only see the Taipei Temple but to also be able to enter the house of the Lord and receive peace and strength.  The temple really is a wonderful place.  I invite all to do their best to be temple worthy at all times so that the Lord is able to bestow an infinite amount of blessings upon us through the temple and this gospel.  

Sister Hsu

P.S.  Recently President Blickenstaff shared a quote by Elder Maxwell and while reading through an Ensign I happened across that exact quote, so I thought I'd share it with all of you.

"One’s life, therefore, cannot be both faith-filled and stress-free...  Therefore, how can you and really expect to glide naively through life, as if to say, “Lord, give me experience, but not grief, not sorrow, not pain,not opposition, not betrayal, and  certainly not to be forsaken. Keep from me, Lord, all those experiences which made Thee  what Thou art! Then let me come and dwell with Thee and fully share Thy joy!”...  Real faith... is required to endure this necessary but painful developmental process."
-Elder Maxwell

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Another week in Beitun.

I kind of don't have a lot of time... so here are some pictures.  Hahaha.  This week was a week of trials for me, but because of them I was able to even more fully know that my Heavenly Father is 100% always aware of my circumstances,  Our Heavenly Father really is able to gives us the strength to overcome all things.
Picture 1:  P-Day shopping with the beautiful Guo JM
Picture 2:  A dead mosquito that I found on my pillow after I plugged in my Glade mosquito repellent thing-a-ma-bobber.  Coincidence?  I think not!   

Sorry this post is a little bit short, and boring, I'll try and do better next week.  

Keep the Faith!

Sister Hsu

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Finally had my first sacrament meeting with Beitun Ward!  It was great to really get to have time to see the people of our ward and be uplifted by the spirit with them.  I was also able to have my official introduction to the ward! Yay!  I feel like being about to have this first normal Sunday with my Ward has really helped a lot in helping me adjust better to this new area.  The work really can only be done if us missionaries and members work together!  It hurts when I see how many less-active members there are in a ward and they range from people who have been members for several years to members who had just graduated from being a recent convert and immediately became a less-active.  Missionaries and members can work together in helping these members once again feel the Spirit and the love of our Heavenly Father.  Missionaries are great tools that a ward can use to help strengthen a ward.  Use us well!  But, remember that we missionaries are only temporary,  Members need to do their part in getting to know their ward family and constantly bearing testimony to not only strengthen themselves, but also our friends and family.  

We have been called by a prophet of God to work together and Hasten the Work of Salvation!  Are you fulfilling your call?  I invite all to do as Elder Nielson did during our October 2013 General Conference, which as also reiterated in our most recent General Conference.

1.  Pray everyday for an opportunity to help someone come closer to Christ. (Could be a friend, family or a stranger on the street)
2.  Pray for your missionaries and their investigators by name.  (If you don't know their names, go find out! haha.  And ask them for the names of their investigators.)
3.  Invite non-member or member friends and family to an activity inside or outside your home.

When you earnestly pray for these things, you will be blessed with opportunity and the guidance of the Holy Ghost.

1 Nephi 13:37
 And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost; and if they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at the last day, and shall be saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso shall publish peace, yea, tidings of great joy, how beautiful upon the mountains shall they be.

Love you all!
Keep the Faith!
Sister Hsu