Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Oh man.

I was so excited to write and send pictures, only to find out that this internet cafe computer has given my memory card a virus that makes it so that I am unable to upload the photos.  (my stuff got this virus in my first area, it basically makes a bunch of fake folders and hides my real stuff, and there was a man there that helped all of us missionaries clean it out without deleting our stuff.  But I don;t know where to go to get that done here...)  So now I an just very sad and ever so slightly irritated.  I don't know when the next time I'll upload photos is.  We'll see.  

But, as for how this past week was pretty good.  The highlight would have to be that we were about to help out at a special event.  We were originally invited to push wheelchairs, but the number of volunteers exceeded the number of people needing to be pushed, so we ended up directing traffic hahaha, but that was great fun too.

We of course met with our amazing investigators, although it seems as though many of them will soon be moving within the next month or so.. :(  so sad!

Okay, I'm sorry, I'm still upset about my memory card.  I think that is all for now.  See you next week.

Sister Hsu

So many good things this week. :)

But for reals.  So many that I am probably going to forget to mention some of it.  But let's start with investigators...

This weeks lessons with our investigators were so full of miracles and the Spirit.  It's to the point where I don't even know how to describe the amazing things that happened.  But, it felt like with every single investigator we met with this week, the lesson was exactly what needed to be shared, the member present gave inspired testimony and the investigator felt the power of the gospel and decides to make changes that will allow them to more fully feel the Spirit and Heavenly Fathers love.  So good.
Thanksgiving Party!
This week we also had our English Class Party: Thanksgiving Theme!  It was good fun!  We make Pilgrim and Indian hats and played some games.  But, I think my favorite was the spiritual share.  We shared a Mormon Message about the Spirit of Thanksgiving, where they asked the people on the streets of New York what they were thankful for, then we invited everyone to write things that they were thankful for on paper feathers and add them to our Thanksgiving turkey.  :)  Yay!

Cutie Doggies. :)
This week we also had the chance to go and take a look at one of our investigators volunteer places.  I don't know if you know, but Taiwan has an absurd amount of stray dogs running around all over the place.  They are really sad and always super skinny, and if they get picked up by the pound the get humanely euthanized.  So, what our investigator does (she's a part of a volunteer group)  They go around and catch stray dogs and get them neutered and them put them back where they found them.  They worked out an agreement with the government, that if they are neutered them they can't pick em up and kill them.  (If they are neutered, they cut off the tip of one of their ears.)  So, there is a college campus that is literally built into the forest, so there are tons of strays.  She catches them and re-releases some of them, but the school also provides a place to keep a pack of them.  They were so cute!  And there really were so many...  It was cool to see where it is she goes every week and what she does.  They were all really good tempered doggies, albeit still a bit weary or people.  They wouldn't be aggressive to people, but they also won't get especially close.
Lian's Baptism (and how I get around with my bike on the metro)
Another awesome thing that happened this past week?  Lian, an investigator I taught in my last area got baptized!  I was happy to hear the news!  I still remember the first time we met with her to share the gospel (we already knew her from English class) she brought us red tea.  When we told her we don't drink tea, she said, "Well, then I don't think I can ever get baptized, I have to drink my tea."  Hahaha.  Love her!  
Teaching how to bike ride.
Oh! And last but not least, two of our wars members, Yoyo and Sophia are going to be short-term missionaries for a few days!  We are so excited for them!  But, Yoyo didn't know how to ride a bike, she we took some time to teach her.  She picked it up super fast!  Withing the hour.  :)  So Fun.  In case you don't know (because I had never heard of such a thing until I came out on a mission) A short term missionary is a member who goes and does missionary work and lives the missionary life with a full-time missionary.  Short-term missionaries to not get calls and are not set apart and don't need to first go through the temple.  Essentially the are volunteers who help out the mission when ever we are short a full-time missionary, or there are circumstances where short-term missionaries are needed.  I wonder if we have these kinds of opportunities in the states...  :)

Okay, well that's all. 

Love ya'll

Sister Hsu

Monday, November 17, 2014

Just about...

We got a "spiritual growth" journal for our investigator and made our own wrapping paper out of a paper bag and decoration tape. :)
Just about the end on another movecall.  It really feels like time is just starting to fly and slip right through my fingers.  I'm in a weird state "But I just got here" to "I'm just about to my year mark on island"  I really wish to be able to do my best and be continuously diligent!  

On another note, I've really been loving being here is the Shizhong Ward.  The ward is great, the people are great and I just love watching our investigators progress and grow in the gospel.  I feel like watching how people can be so courageous as to begin to make changes in their life, just makes me want to improve myself.  

The weirdest part about this period of time is having to begin thinking about "after the mission school stuff"  It's like I really want to just be able to ignore all that until I am no longer a missionary, but at the same time, I can't do that.  

Wow, I feel like this little email doesn't make much sense...  just know that I am having a great time and love this opportunity I have to help others come unto Christ.

Love you all!

Sister Hsu

Saturday, November 1, 2014

More great news.

Sister Chen's Baptism!
Best thing ever?  My last companion Sister Chang told me that an investigator that we had been meeting with was going to get baptized on Friday!  She had actually met with missionaries on and off with missionaries for many years.  Her family was already baptized, and she always came to church and kept the commandments.  She was just trying to figure out why she needed to be baptized.  Our meeting with her was with the hopes of giving her little spiritual boosts so that she could receive the answer she needed.  But, her answer came when she watched General Conference.  The Spirit spoke to her and she decided to be baptized.  Luckily I didn't move very far and was able to attend.  

But, even better was that our investigator was also able to attend.  I feel like the experience really helped to become more curious and accepting of the idea of maybe one day being baptized.

It was a great day.  :)
This is how we go shopping and take it all home with us. Bike-Plane!
We've been really blessed with people coming and asking us about the church.  I feel like it really is a huge blessing for the Lord.  Because we haven't had many investigators recently, we've been doing A LOT of finding.  Tracking, park contacting, street contacting, you name it, but it had been feeling like no matter how many prayers we do to find someone prepared to hear the message of the Restoration, no one wanted to listen.  If anything we had met a number of people that tried convincing us that we were an evil church, or that only the Bible is real and they only need the Bible.  In my moments of weakness, there was always a miracle.  Whether it be a walk-in wanting to know more, or some one who calls us, or a sudden referral.  It's a comfort and a witness to me that the truly is the Lord's work.
English class with Flat Stanley
Okay, well that's all for now folks.  Until next time.

Sister Hsu

Amazing news!

Fang JM was baptized!
It's happened!  Sister Fang! (The miracle Sister I mentioned in my last email) has been baptized!!!  I wasn't able to go, but she sent me pictures and I am just so happy!  And then my previous companion says an investigator we were meeting with together is getting baptized the Friday! So good!  

More miracles?  of course!  We have had a number of people walk into the church asking if they can know more about the gospel and every time we happened to be in the church in a lesson with an investigator when a member comes in and tells us there is someone in the foyer wanting to meet with missionaries.  So cool.  Heavenly Father really is the one who prepares people.  We missionaries just have to make sure we are worthy to represent the Lord in teaching the gospel to God's prepared children.

Fun stuff?  I was able to go on an exchange with the Sister Training Leaders.  I went to their area in Sanmin.  I think Heavenly Father must really love me because I had been thinking about a few people from my last area (Sanmin uses the same church building as my last area) and lo and behold the day we exchanged also had me there to help with the Stake Family History Expo, so I was able to see everyone I had been thinking about while there!  It really was wonderful and amazing.

FHE Power!
Last night we attended the Young Single Family Home Evening with our investigator.  It was tons of fun and learned how to make cards with water-color-pencils.  They are super cool.  Although my drawing skills are near to none, I was still able to make a fairly cute card.

Okay, Well, Until next time!

Sister Hsu
Apparently our building has been here in this part of GaoXiong that we are marked on their city maps... with a cross and "church" (I also saw it marked on the big maps in the subway station. Cool or what.)