Sunday, April 19, 2015

So weird.

We had ZTM early this month.  Our April ZTM ended up being held at the end of March and I was asked to prepare my reflection. (Reflection: a short share that a soon-to-be-returning-home missionary gives in a meeting about what they earned over the course of their mission.)  I felt like it was way too soon.  It wasn't even April yet!  In all honesty I have been dreading my reflection for a while.  Not because it marks the end of my mission but because I feel like I don't really have anything good to share that previous missionaries haven't already said really well.  It would be a dream come true if I didn't have to give an reflection and just quietly go back, and to not have to give a homecoming haha.  The hope is that people won't know when I left the mission and came home.  Hahahaha. 

Well other than that little tidbit, the work has been going on the same as usual!  (Only under a bigger and brighter sun)  We are still working hard to find some new investigators and help the ones we have to enter the waters of baptism.  I had a great opportunity last week to go on an exchange to Gangshan with Sister Lin.  It was so interesting seeing her lead an area and be a senior companion when the last time I worked with her was the first day she came on island and she was put in a tri-panionship with me and Sister Funk for a day until all the late Americans showed up. Hahaha.  It is amazing to see the change that a mission brings to people.

Well, not much time left to type.  Here are some pictures...
Went to a student art exhibition and found my favorite person, Xiang Xiang's piece. (A member from my last area)
This is a giant library.
We were hoping to be able to go in and check out the view from the roof. People said it's amazing, but of course it was closed on Monday, like everything else is. -.-
Sister Hsu 

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